Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Spot Light! TV Shows For Writers?

Hello! Here's yet another installment of Spot Light!

Today, I'd like to draw your attention to a post that I thought was both funny and had a point to it. This person brings to mind reality TV shows for writers: Here's what they have to say

They made a very valid point that there are no TV shows out there for writers. Why I wonder? They have TV shows for just about everything else, why not writing? It would be cool if they'd come out with something that  instead of following celebrities but followed the big names in the author world - like, Jim Butcher or J. K. Rowling. It almost seems a little unfair that we don't have a say in reality TV or any type of TV show for that matter.

What do you, the writer, think? Also, what are your suggestions as to what TV shows you'd like to see about the writing community? I'd love to hear your opinions!

1 comment:

inluvwithwords said...

Hah! A reality tv show for writers - how long can you watch someone gaze out the window or stare at a computer monitor?

I checked out some of your poems via the link in your profile. Have you subbed any of them for publication? The creepy ones made me think of Underneath the Juniper Tree. You might give them a try: http://underneaththejunipertree.com/